Frequently asked questions

How do I make a return?

We offer a no quibble 90 day returns policy. Please send your items back to us with a refund request at: Addison Ross, Wooler Industrial Estate, Berwick Rd, Wooler, Northumberland, NE71 6AH, UK Please make sure to request a proof of delivery service from your chosen method of postage/courier.

What if my item is faulty or damaged?

Please email us with an image of your product and description of the issue to and we will be happy to help. Please allow up to 24 hours for a response.

Is my product guaranteed?

We are so confident in our products that we offer a lifetime guarantee. Please email us if you have any issues.

The product I want is out of stock, when will it come back?

We strive to keep everything in stock all the time however sometimes our products are simply too popular! Please click the Email Me When Available button on the product page to be notified as soon as this product is back in stock. Depending on the product this could take between a week and 3 months, if you need to know, please email us and we will find out for you.

Where is my delivery?

We use DPD for our UK deliveries and DHL for our USA and Rest of the World Deliveries. We aim to ship all of our orders from our warehouse within 24 hours, once the order has left our premises you should receive tracking notification from the courier. Once the order is in the hands of the courier it is over to them, so queries should go directly through their tracking app however they promise us a 1-2 day service depending on what time of day you place your order. (ie before 2pm GMT)

What countries do you ship to?

We ship Worldwide for FREE!

How long will my order take to arrive?

We offer a next day service for orders placed before 2pm GMT. All other orders can take 2-3 working days.

Will I have to pay tax or import duty on orders going into my country?

For the USA we cover the cost of import taxes and duty. All other countries, fees may apply, please email us and we will let you know.

How do I check if my photo has uploaded properly?

A thumbnail of your image should appear next to your chosen frame on the checkout page. If it’s not there you may have forgotten to click on confirm and add to basket, please try again.

What does Lifetime Guarantee Mean?

If your item stops working we are more than happy to replace it. If the item has been discontinued we will replace with a similar item. Please note the guarantee does not cover general wear and tear or accidental damages, for example dropping, chipping or scratching.

What Does 4 for 3 mean?

If you choose any 4 products from our website you will receive the lowest price item for free. You will need to type in the code 443 at checkout. Please note you cannot use this code in conjunction with other offer codes.

Can I use more than 2 offer code?

You cannot use more than one offer code per order.